New! Amazing f-u-n Turtle Journal Kids Activity & Coloring Writing Journal


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The developer of has opened the door to education! Soon book characters will be linked to Island Blockchain’s NFT website offering kids and families a chance to explore both educational basics of writing/reading while introducing NFT on the blockchain. This is just the beginning of many more collections that will be expanded.

What is behind the name and how can I use this publication?

    • Turtle Journal was first created in a classroom by a teacher. It was a catchy name that turned into students running to get their turtle journal after recess to copy poems, write sentences, and draw art to go with each week’s theme. It produced the highest test scores in the grade level and parents who said, “I don’t even have to ask my kid to do homework. They come right home and do it. They love coming to school!”

    • Use for educational fun! Tailored to lead a writer who needs motivation, as well as the gifted child who needs lots of open space to write on their own. This book has both, and is creatively designed to assist all levels of writers.

    • Use for Pleasure! This kind of book will entertain for hours at a time allowing for full creativity from writing to coloring to drawing to counting. Definitely an opportunity for creativity!

    • Provide as a gift! Knowing this book was created by a genuine master teacher who has taught K-12 across the country is definitely a must-have for any classroom, home, school, club, or organization. One of the author’s first students is now a congressional attorney. She remembers having the kids write essays on any given topic providing the full writing process, which was a breeze for all of them by the end of the year. They even each designed their own newspaper!

    • Just like Suzuki violin methodology, parents can get the other version of turtle journal and write together with their child. Pro version of Turtle Journal: It is brilliant! Children turn into their adult role models, especially their parents. If children see you using your turtle journal for list making, to-do, errands, notes, or journaling they will long-term remember the skill and its importance! Then they will want to be like you, especially the younger children. Older children may want their book all on their own to prove their skills.

    • The Turtle Journal Kids Version has a built in reward system! At the bottom of all the open lined pages, there is a turtle emblem with a circle. Kids can color after completing a page! This creates self-regulation and intrinsic motivation. Magic!
