Write* Read* NFT*

You & Me Save the Sea

Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle

Island Blockchain is partnering with the Coral Reef Alliance to save the coral reefs! You can help save the coral reefs of the world when you purchase Turtle Journal Rewards on Open Sea. This is very exciting because both children and adults will be adapting to a world including the cryptocurrency market. But with this opportunity, good old fashioned writing and reading are not left behind!

With each Turtle Journal Rewards NFT, a portion of the sale will go to Global Coral Reef Alliance.

We spoke with them and see their organization in a similar place as being smaller (where small donations actually make a big difference) and working in places like Hawaii where there is a lesser global presence.

Island Blockchain is located in the Pacific where we actively can see the results of efforts and get to know who is actually on the ground so we can help spread the word.

You can read more about the Coral Reef Alliance here: /